
“It is the policy of the Church of Ireland to safeguard all children sharing in its ministry and to protect them from all forms of harm and abuse.”
The incumbent, select vestries, staff and volunteers are committed to upholding good practice in our parish’s ministry with children.
The panel below is responsible for overseeing good practices concerning Child Safeguarding in our parish. Should you have a concern, suspicion, or allegation regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact a member of the panel.
Rev Philip Benson
Telephone: 028 7963 9418 or 07850 345156
Desertmartin Parish: Mrs Barbara Hudson & Mrs Lois Austin
Termoneeny Parish: Mrs Amy McAuley & Mrs Christine Hawe
The duty social worker or local area manager may also be contacted at the Central Gateway Team, during the hours of Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm, on 0300 123 4333. Outside of these hours, please contact the Emergency Service number on 028 9446 8833.
In an emergency, contact the local PSNI station on telephone number 101 or 999.