Pastoral Care
If you would like to speak to Rev Philip Benson about a particular matter (spiritual or otherwise) or to arrange a visit, please get in contact with him, and he will be happy to call with you. If you would prefer to meet away from your home, then you can arrange to meet Rev Philip in either of our churches, at the rectory, or at another suitable location.
Rev Philip Benson can be contacted by telephone or email using the icons below.

Church of Ireland clergy offer Christian ministry and pastoral care to all who seek it out regardless of their background and can:
visit you or a loved one who is unwell at home or in hospital
anoint you with oil, and/or lay hands upon you (in cases of extreme illness),
bless your home (particularly if you have recently moved),
celebrate Holy Communion with you (if you are unable to come to church),
help you to discern how you can be more involved in the ministries and activities of the parish,
discuss in advance your wishes concerning your funeral arrangements,
hear your private confession and pronounce absolution,
help to arrange professional counselling if you think it would be helpful,
listen to you, confidentially, and without judgement or criticism,
offer advice from a Christian perspective,
offer prayers for your personal spiritual protection and peace,
offers prayers of thanksgiving for the birth of a child,
pray for your spiritual, physical, mental, and/or emotional healing,
prepare you for baptism and/or confirmation (either your own or your child’s),
prepare you for marriage,
prepare you spiritually for death,
read (and sometimes discuss) an appropriate passage of Scripture,
say a blessing for you and your family,
try to address any religious/theological concerns or questions that you might have.
Church of Ireland clergy are always available to help you and your family in whatever way will help you during difficult times. Please feel free to discuss your wishes with Rev Philip, and to avail of the various ministries that you think would comfort you.
More generally, Rev Philip visits those homes that are registered on our parish database. If you would like to join our parish, please get in touch and we will update our database to include you.