Parish Activities
Sunday School
We have two Sunday Schools. At St Conlus, Knockloughrim, the Sunday School meets during the Sunday service at 10:30am. The Sunday School at St Comgall’s, Desertmartin, meets before the service at 11am. Both are open to all children of preschool/primary school age; we learn together through hearing bible stories, singing upbeat songs, and doing related games, crafts, and activities. Children who are visiting are most welcome to join in, and if you would like to go out with your child for the first few weeks, you are welcome to.

Noah's Ark - Baby & Toddler Group
Our new baby and toddler group hopes to begin meeting in early November on ??? mornings in the parish hall. We plan to have lots of activities, toys and crafts, as well as refreshments being provided. Both parishioners and non-parishioners are most welcome to come along.

Ladies Guild
The Ladies Guild meets as announced and provides an opportunity for the women of the parish, young and old alike, to meet together in a fun and friendly surrounding. A wide and varied programme of talks, demonstrations, visits etc is provided throughout the year. This group is particularly good at helping newcomers get to know other parishioners.

CAMEO (Come And Meet Each Other) is a group for women and men who meet regularly for fellowship and a cup of tea in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Transport can be provided. Do come and join us. Whether or not you attend church, you will always be welcome.

Evergreen Followship
More information coming soon, once our groups resume after the Covid-19 restrictions ease.

Bowling Clubs
The parish has two well-supported Bowling Clubs which meet in the church halls during the autumn, winter and spring months, providing an enjoyable recreational opportunity for those who attend. The clubs are attended by parishioners and non-parishioners alike. Both of the clubs are involved in matches as part of the local church league. Please get in touch for further information.

CD Recordings of Sunday Services
If you are unable to come to church through illness or being housebound and are not able to access the webcam or use social media we can provide an audio recording of our Sunday services. Please contact Rev Philip, if that would interest you.

Work Parties
Keeping our church buildings, hall, and grounds in a well-maintained state is a big task. If you would be willing to help our glebewardens who are charged with maintaining our buildings and Rev Philip with the various tasks and jobs that are needed over the year, please get in touch with Rev Philip. We hope to have a pool of willing volunteers whom we can call upon to help. Volunteering does not commit yourself to always being available; instead, we hope to advertise a series of ‘work parties’ throughout the year. If you are free and able to come along, great; if you aren’t, there is always the next time. Some of the tasks that are needed at times can be as simple as cleaning the church, weeding a path, painting a storeroom, etc. We are looking for young and old alike and men and women – for many hands make light work. We believe that this will be a great way for parishioners to get to know each other, and there will be tea/coffee and cake on hand. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

Messy Church
Our Messy Church meets on Sunday afternoons as announced. Messy Church is for all ages and encourages families to come together, to have fun, to eat and to celebrate God. The values of Messy Church are based on creativity, hospitality and celebration.

Choir & Musicians
We are always keen to welcome new singers to our choirs and musicians in both our churches. Practices are as announced. If you would like to join, please speak to either of our organists or Rev Philip.

Men's Group
The Men's Group meets as announced and provides an opportunity for the men of the parish, young and old alike, to meet together in a fun and friendly surrounding. A wide and varied programme of talks, demonstrations, visits etc is provided throughout the year. This group is particularly good at helping newcomers get to know other parishioners.

Bible Study & Discussion Group
Our weekly Bible Study meets on Tuesday evenings, at 7:30pm, in the Desertmartin School Building. The group is relaxed and aimed at a level that suits everyone. All welcome.

Home Communions
Rev Philip is happy to celebrate Holy Communion with you and your family, if you are unable to come to church through illness or if you are housebound. Please get in touch with him to arrange a suitable time.

Reader's Rotas
Please speak to Rev Philip if you would like to volunteer to assist with our Bible readings during our Sunday Services.

Flower Rotas
We like to thank all who donated flowers to our churches and to those who arranged them. There are several “free” weeks available; if you would like to donate for flowers to mark a special date or in memory of a loved one, please give your name to Rev Philip, and he will pass it on to the rota organisers. If you would also like to volunteer to help arrange flowers, please speak to Rev Philip or the churchwardens.