If you are new or visiting us
If you are planning to visit one of our churches for a service or thinking of joining our parish, we would love to welcome you.

What to expect when you arrive
When you arrive, you’ll be greeted by our churchwardens, who, along with welcoming you, will give you a service sheet and a hymn book. They can also help you find somewhere to sit if the church is getting full. There is no assigned seating, and if you have mobility difficulties, the churchwardens can assist you.
There will be parts of our services when the people in the congregation say something together out loud, like a short prayer; these parts are printed in bold type on the service sheet, and you are welcome to join in with saying them.
In both our churches and hall, we have accessible toilets and if you need help locating them ask one of the churchwardens.
Sometimes, we get asked what kind of clothes you should wear, but please feel free to wear whatever you are comfortable in.
Families and children
If you have small children with you during a Sunday morning service, your children will be given a small pack of activity sheets, which they can do sitting with you. We also have children's corners in both our churches with some toys available. Please do not worry if they make noise, as we love to welcome families. However, if you need to change or settle a small child, please feel free to use our baby-changing facilities, and the churchwardens will be happy to show you where these are. You are also welcome to breastfeed without leaving the service, or if you prefer somewhere more private again, just ask the churchwardens, who can also help you warm a bottle if needed.

What happens during a service?

Our services are shaped by the Anglican tradition and its Book of Common Prayer. Services usually consist of hymns, prayers, Bible readings and a sermon/talk. Sunday Services typically last between 45-60 minutes.
If the service is a Service of Holy Communion, towards the end of the service, the congregation is invited to come forward and receive a small piece of bread and wine (members of other churches are warmly welcome to receive communion with us). If you are new to church and would like to know more about receiving communion, please speak to Rev Philip.
During one of the hymns, a collection plate is passed around where if you wish, you can make a donation to parish funds.
After the service
If you attend our services on Wednesday mornings, afterwards, you are invited to stay for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat, as well as juice and biscuits for the children, which is a great way to meet new people in the parish.

If you’re still unsure about coming along, why not bring a friend or if you have any questions,
please get in contact with Rev Philip.
We regularly post/email out parish news and updates to all the homes registered on our parish database. If you have not been receiving these updates and you should have been or would like to join our parishes, please get in touch, and we will update our records.