Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe - Hebrews 12:28.
It is through your generous support that enables us to continue the worshipping life of our parishes and their ministry to the wider local community. All that we do in the Parishes of Desertmartin and Termoneeny is made possible by your giving, and we would like to extend our heartful thanks and gratitude. The financial giving our parishes receive help to pay for our clergy and staff, the care of our buildings and grounds, and the development of our various ministries. As registered charities (Charity Numbers NI 104697 & NI 104698) we appreciate all your financial support. A full financial report and audited accounts are published each year by both parishes and made available at the General Easter Vestries.
Don't forget to sign up for Gift Aid as part of your financial giving as it is a great way of making your donations go further.

Ways to give in support of our parishes
There are many ways to support our parishes financially, either through regular offerings or one-off donations and even by leaving a gift in your will.
Church Offering Envelopes
You can give through church offering envelopes either by bringing them to church on Sunday mornings or by delivering them to the rectory (25 Dromore Road, Desertmartin, BT45 5JZ) either yourself or by someone you trust. We must stress please do not post cash. If you would like to request envelopes, please contact either Rev Philip, the parish treasurers or one of our churchwardens, who will be happy to organise a set for you.
Regular Standing Order or Bank Transfer
To set up or amend a standing order, log in to your online banking account or visit your local bank branch and use our parish account details below. A regular standing order aids the Select Vestry in their financial planning and budgeting, as well as hopefully helping you to manage your giving too. By contributing in this way, you no longer need to worry about finding the right amount of cash to put in an envelope. Also, if you miss a Sunday, your donation is still received. Please remember that you are in full control of the standing order and can stop or alter it at any point by contacting your bank.
St Comgall's, Desertmartin
Account name: Desertmartin Parish Church No. 1 Account
Sort Code: 95-03-81
Account Number 61004433
Bank Name: Danske Bank
Payment Reference: Please quote your first name and surname (and church envelope number if you have one)
St Conlus, Knockloughrim
Account name: Termoneeny Parish Church (Current Account)
Sort Code: 95-03-76
Account Number: 81008536
Bank Name: Danske Bank
Payment Reference: Please quote your first name and surname (and church envelope number if you have one)
You can also use the above bank details to process a one-off bank transfer.
Alternatively, you can download the standing order form at the bottom of this page and return it completed to the rectory (25 Dromore Road, Desertmartin, BT45 5JZ). If you contact Rev Philip, he can also send you a paper copy of the form.
Once you have set up or amended your standing order, please let either Rev Philip or the parish treasurer know, so we can identify your gift being deposited into our bank account - thank you.
By Cheque
To give via a cheque, please make the cheque payable to either the “Desertmartin Parish Church” or “Termoneeny Parish Church” and then either place it in the offering plate during a Sunday service or post it to the rectory (25 Dromore Road, Desertmartin, BT45 5JZ).
Online via Paypal Charity Donations - coming soon.
We can also take donations on a one-off basis via PayPal Charity Donations by clicking the Donate button below. You can use your existing Paypal account, or if you do not have an account, you can choose the, use a card, option instead of logging in. If you are a parishioner, please add your Free Will Offering Number in a note, so we can update our records.
Please note that PayPal charge an additional 1.4% + 20p on transactions. This means the full amount you donate will not be received by the Parish. You may click “I’d like to add to my donation to help offset the cost of processing” to donate your intended amount to us if you’d prefer.
A One-Off Donation
Many people like to give a financial gift to the parish in memory of a loved one who was baptised, married, or buried from one of our churches. Others like to contribute to the parish because of a family connection or simply show their support for the life and work of our parish. Whatever the reason may be, we are always grateful for such donations. The simplest way to donate is by bank transfer or sending us a cheque using the details in the above sections.
Leaving a Legacy Gift in a Will
Leaving a legacy in a will offers a wonderful opportunity to make a lasting gift to God by leaving an amount of money or property to his church. Leaving such a gift to our parish is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can continue to support our mission and ministry. Such a gift is an expression of your gratitude and thanksgiving towards God and will help transform our future. If you would like to bequeath a gift to the parish in your last will and testament, please contact your solicitor.
A legacy gift can be used for the general purposes of the parish. This is perhaps the best thing to do, as it enables the Select Vestry to use funds where they are most needed. Alternatively, you may specify how you want your money to be used: perhaps taking care of our buildings or funding various expressions of ministry, such as youth work or helping the poor in our community. If you are considering making a bequest to our parish or have already included a gift to the church in your will and would like to speak to someone about legacy giving, please speak to Rev Philip.
Once again, we would like to thank you all for your generous financial support.