Gift Aid -making your donations go further

The UK Government-backed Gift Aid scheme has the potential to improve our parish finances significantly, and we hope this letter explains the benefits of signing up for Gift Aid. Through Gift Aid, the UK Government helps charities, including churches, with fundraising, and it is surprisingly easy to use. If you pay tax through your job, pension, or investments by signing a Gift Aid declaration form, the government will increase your donations to our parish by 25p for every £1 donated. For example, if you give £10 per week over the year, that equates to £520. By signing up to the Gift Aid scheme, the government will increase your donation by a further £130, giving a total of £650, at no extra cost to you – which makes a massive difference to our parishes.
All you need to do is download and sign the Gift Aid declaration form at the bottom of this page and return it during a Sunday Service to either Rev Philip or a churchwarden. Alternatively, the form can be returned by post to the rectory address (25 Dromore Road, Desertmartin, BT45 5JZ) or by email to If you contact Rev Philip, he can also send you a paper copy of the form.
Once you have completed and returned the Gift Aid declaration form, you do not need to do anything else, as the parish claims the additional amount from the government. Moreover, the declaration form covers all donations you have made over the past four years and all future contributions you make to the parish.
The easiest thing to do for married couples is for the main taxpayer to sign the declaration form, or equally, if you both pay tax, nothing is stopping you from each completing a declaration form.
If you are not eligible to sign up for the Gift Aid scheme, as you do not pay tax, please do not worry, as we sincerely appreciate all donations we receive.
You can cancel your Gift Aid declaration at any point by getting in touch with Rev Philip, especially if you no longer pay tax.
Since we must not reclaim more Gift Aid than the tax you have paid, please keep a record of the total donations you make under Gift Aid to all charities (you must pay in the tax year an amount of tax at least equal to the amount which will be reclaimed on your charitable donations).
Finally, if you have any questions about the Gift Aid scheme or, indeed, donations to our parish in general, please do not hesitate to contact Rev Philip.