About our Worship
Worship is central to the life of the Church.
We have a rich variety of forms of worship through which we hear the Word of God read and preached, and we receive the sacraments.

The Church of Ireland, in its worship, uses the Book of Common Prayer, which was originally published in 1549 and has subsequently been revised on four occasions, most recently in 2004. Our most common forms of worship are the Holy Communion (or Eucharist) and Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer and Compline.
Holy Communion is the central act of worship of the Church of Ireland. We warmly invite all communicant members of Christian churches to join us at the Lord’s Table.
Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer and Compline date back to the Reformation when the medieval monastic daily prayer routine was adapted by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer and subsequently adopted by the Church of Ireland.
Our main Sunday morning services at both St Comgall's and St Conlus churches are either Holy Communion or Morning Prayer. Please note that occasionally the pattern may change due to the celebration of a particular Holy Day or festival, but this will be advised through the Parish News, social media, and our website.
First Sunday in the month
Holy Communion
Second Sunday in the month
Morning Prayer
Third Sunday in the month
Morning Worship (no Sunday School)
Fourth Sunday in the month
Morning Prayer
Fifth Sunday in the month (if applicable)
Morning Worship (no Sunday School)